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대한 중환자 의학회 정회원
Effects of low-dose pirfenidone on survival and lung function decline in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF):Results from a real-world study Dec 2021 PLoS ONE 16(12)

Tracheobronchopathia Osteochondrplastica Associated with Fibrotic Intestitial Lung Disease Nov 2021. Internal Medicine 60(21):3463-3467

The association between serum apolipoprotein B and fractional exhaled nitric oxide in bronchial asthma patient Jul 2021. Journal of Thoracic Disease 13(7)

Clinical significance of microbial colonization identified by initial bronchoscopy in patients with lung cancer requiring chemotherapy Mar 2021. Journal of Thoracic Disease 13(3): 1306-1314

Regional emphysema score is associated with tumor location and poor prognosis in completely resected NSCLC patients Sep 2020. BMC Pulmonary Medicine 20(1) :242

Smoking is associated with pneumonia development in lung cancer patients May 2020 BMC Pulmonary Medicine 20(1)

Mediastinal Actinomycosis Mimicking Mediastinal Lymph Node Metastasis in a Patient with Locally Advanced Pancreatic Cancer Korean J Med 2017;92(3) 303-307